Hi Loves!
I wanted to do a little holiday giveaway this week. If you have not seen my Facebook post on the giveaway, check it out here.
I am going to giveaway one (your choice) of these beautiful decorative mercury bowls from Ballard Designs.
Ballard Designs Mercury Glass Pedestal Bowl

To Enter:
1. Like & leave a comment on my INSTAGRAM feed @blueeggbrownnest
2. Share this FACEBOOK post with 3 + friends and have them follow me
3. Comment on my FACEBOOK post. Winner will be picked Friday of this week so pass along!! (I will be doing one on Instagram too so feel free to enter there as well! xo)
If you have not seen my favorite things list, check it out here! AND if you want to keep up to date with photos and what I have on my mind, be sure to follow me on Instagram at Blueeggbrownnest
See you there! xoxo

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