I think it’s good to dream big. And by dreaming in this context I mean something that would give you pure joy. Something fun and wonderful that would fulfill your childhood dreams. I give you all permission to whisper to your Elf on the Shelf your biggest wish!
Mine would be a chicken coup, a cow, a few horses, and 30 cats running around my farm. There would be a painting space, a pottery space and animals & chidren would roam freely.
You would have to take a winding, graveled road lined with pine trees to get to it – just likes the roads we used to drive in Keene, NH when visiting Gram for Christmas.
It was quiet in New England and the snow made it holy. We drove through weathered covered bridges and yeilded to deer on the winding roads. These images live in me. It makes me breath deeper just imaging and dreaming.
And DH has promised to find me one.
What is your big, Christmas dream this year?
PS – Looking for some Christmas Relaxation? I am doing a series on The Safe Next this week. Check it out!
My husband surprised me with a New England Currier & Ives Christmas a couple of years ago. I’m still savoring those crisp clear winter days in Maine and that horse drawn sleigh ride with a stop in the woods for hot chocolate around a campfire. All the while the snow gently falling. We went sledding, hiking, and read a good book around the fireplace, did some antiquing. It was relaxing and perfect!
I am right there with ya. Red barns are dreamy. I love the country and scenes that are covered in snow with hints of red…conjure pure joy in my spirit. Maybe someday I’ll get my red barn, too.