Don’t you love how Taylor Swift write songs about all her past romances & break-ups? She really does get to have her say at the end and we all end up singing along to a great melody.
Sometimes I wish you could see me as I try to finish projects, respond to emails, dress up to see clients, write up these posts, take photos of what I’ve been up to, and try to distract my children in the meantime. (We’ve discovered old Scooby-Doo reruns!)
My neighbors would tell you that they see me at 7 am sharp most mornings in my jammies & bathrobe pulling furniture from the garage, paint under my fingernails from the day before.
By the time it’s time to get all 3 kids piled in the car for preschool drop off I’ve worked on about 2 pieces. At nap time it’s a debate between my Zumba on Wii and more painting. After dinner I’m checking paint and starting on the waxing process.
At night I set up pick ups & finds with Donald, my mover, making sure it’s not my turn for special snack the next day and trying to write after baths, books, dishes. I’m on my way to sleep when my DH walks in the door most nights.
A bit of rambling and maybe some self pity to say that my grammar is not spotless all the time. I’m just a mom, painting furniture & writing about it; trying to find pleasure in life in the bits & pieces that I can control.
T. Swift has been quoted as saying “Fair Warning” to those that break her heart and “If a guy doesn’t want me to write a bad song about him, he shouldn’t do bad things”. Hmmm. Don’t we all kinda feel that way? I think I should get a pass on grammar and feeding my kids lollipops on the way to Target and those last 5 lbs of baby weight and the neon orange silly putty that has embedded into the fibers of my favorite cardigan and I refused to throw away.
I don’t want to let my spelling and grammer handicap get in the way of expressing myself. Too many people would rather say nothing than make one mistake in the message, or are critical the efforts of others.
Hopefully no one is bugging you about that! I know the worst is when someone is like, “I just read your blog!” and before I can say, “That’s lovely–thanks!” they go on to say, “You misspelled a word.” Thank you, world. 🙂
I am amazed at how much you get done! I can get very little done unless my kids are in their preschool, so I just sort of don’t try. This applies to writing and also even housework sometimes. Way to go on handling this many things. You are fabulous!
I am a new blog follower (found out about you when you bought one of my pieces of furniture off of CL)… I am not a stalker btw !
Anyway, as a fellow mom who likes to do all of those things – with the hopes of completing just one project someday – I want to tell you: you are doing okay, you are making it work one day at a time, and the most admirable thing is that you are following your passion, yet keeping it in perspective.
Way to go, girl!