I am here to invite you to a very, dear and special event called my life. I’ve shared years with you all and now I want to be closer to you! I want to talk to you about books and food and health and style. I want to tell you what I’m thinking and what I am interested in in the hopes that we can share our life experiences in a more intimate way.
I have created a lifestyle blog, Christen Bensten, and it is a project that I’m excited about because I get to share more. I am not leaving Blue Egg Brown Nest in the dust, but rather adding to my joy!
I am a very curious person and somewhere in my 30s I realized that this is a precious gift. I not only care about all the wide world has to offer, but I want to participate in it! As a recovering shy girl I want to play too! I feel so strongly about this project that I hired a designer even before the kick off. I am still adding, editing and working out some kinks, but we are live!
I hope you will join me. You have known me for years and have been dear friends, you know a bit about my likes and dislikes. Let’s get to know more about each other. You may not identify with everything, but I hope it becomes a place where we can meet over our computers and a steamy cup of tea in the afternoons. Here is your invitation:
Facebook like here.
Deep blessings to you all.
Wonderful! May this new adventure on your journey through life bring you great joy!
How exciting and wonderful, Kristen! I haven’t subscribed to Blue Egg, Brown Nest until very recently and I was so taken just by the name that I knew it would be something inspiring. Now it looks like it will be even more so.
I, also, have been a “shy girl” back in the day, as they say. Much less shy these days, but sometimes even now, depending on the situation. So I identify.
I am anxious to see what interesting ideas, plans, poems, stories and pictures will be appearing on Christen Bensen!
Looking forward to the days ahead and why they hold, but always enjoying the moment I am in, glad to start sharing them with you!
Best of luck to you!!as a shy gal I find we have the most wonderful things to say and share.
Beautiful !! I wanna join your website !!