I heart all music from the 70s. Joni Mitchell, Fleetwood Mac, of course the Beatles, and…Cat Stevens! I must have some type of telepathy going with Cat Stevens because I literally heard in the car this morning on NPR that he is singing at the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame this week. I bring this up because the title of my series this week was a play on his song “It’s a Wild World.” You know it,
“Oh, Baby, Baby it’s a wild world.
It’s hard to get by just upon a smile.”
So true, Cat.
Cat Steven has a really interesting background and I would venture to say that his music would not be as impactful if it was not so personal. That was my attempt to segue to blogging. How did I do?
I understand that opening ourselves up to strangers is not always comfortable. We are subjecting ourselves to criticism and judgment. But, there is also love and admiration and more importantly a sense of community if you choose to.
I try to come from an attitude of “We are all in this together. Life is hard and we don’t always have the tools we need to get through it. Let’s lean on each other and lift each other up as best as we can.”
I knew from the beginning of my blog that I wanted to display an honest Christen. I said the same thing when I started dating my Dear Husband. I think when we come from a place of honesty we really honor ourselves. We are saying, I’m not trying to be anyone else but who I am. We are all snowflakes. Precious and different. Why would we want to hide that?
This is why you see my kids, me in my painting rags, me laughing at myself and me ranting when I’m upset in my posts. It is very cathartic to be open.
If we walk around with our guard up all the time on we are not protecting ourselves, we are imprisoning ourselves. There is freedom in laughing openly when you are on the elliptical at the gym watching Hoda & Kathy Lee say something ridiculous. There is freedom letting yourself cry with your neighbor on the way to the bus stop because her dog has just died. There is freedom in pulling the car over and screaming because you’ve just heard of another school shooting and you still cannot figure out why we are allowed to carry guns in our country! ROAR!
Oh, Baby, it’s a wild world. If you are going to blog then make it help & honor you. Let others in so we can see the good and the bad and relate to it all. We are just as messy over here. I have found more friends and readers here because I dare to be vulnerable. Even when just discussing paint 🙂 Thank you, God.
I absolutely love your blog….. love your style. It never ceases to inspire!
Blessings on you and your day, Kristen. I was listening to that VERY song last night as I was leaving a hotel. The front desk guy is about 25 and he knew and loved Cat as well. Transparency transcends the generations and gives us that meeting of the hearts we’re all looking for. Thank you for being open, and reminding us that what really matters is relationship. <3
I love your blog and your honest point of view. I am finding that we need to smile more and worry less about what other people think. Be excited about life and enjoy what your talents are and share them. Maybe when we are open others will feel safe to be more open too.
I still hear my mom say “We are so lucky we don’t all like the same things” How boring would life be if we all had the same things.
Amen, sista! Let freedom ring.
I LOVE your blog , and how you share all your tips and tricks ! And I LOVE Cat Steven’s too…Teaser and the Firecat…one of my all time favorite albums !
Thanks for the blog! I also LOVE Fleetwood Mac-I could listen to them every day!
Kristen – I have been following your blog for about a year now and have never commented. I have been painting furniture for about 5 years. I started with spray paint and latex satin and had a great time but when chalk paint came on the market I was instantly in love!! I have been using chalk paint ever since – occasionally I use spray paint on pieces like scyrocco because of the intricacies but I am a chalk painter through and through. I am totally passionate about it. I have a booth in a vendor mall in Pine Street Market which is in Spokane, Washington. I teach chalk painting classes where I have people bring a small piece of furniture and they go home with it finished. The reason I am writing all this is because your blog posts on blogging have given me courage to start a blog where I can share my knowledge of painting and distressing as well as other enhancements such as gilding, pearl plaster, stenciling, etc. I am going to also use it for a follow up of my classes where past students can go for support. I too have struggled in my life to have a voice and finding this medium has been a real blessing for me as it has put me in a position of teaching and sharing as others have loved my work and wanted to learn how to paint also. I am just starting it and I always have felt that my blog would be too plain but I am just going for it – I know it is a thing of progress – start small and the most important part is what you have to say and share. Thanks for your inspiration!! I hope you are healing well – I was so sad when you got hurt. I have a lot of joint problems – have had both my knees replaced, have a foot that needs reconstruction and have severe arthritis in my body so I understand pain. I thought of you a lot when you were going through your recovery!! I have learned though that pain is what makes me strong – I would never choose it but always come through on the other end grateful and with more insights as to who I am and what is important in life. Carry on with your beautiful work. I truly enjoy your blog. Robin