So, speaking of roaring a bit when I slip up and mis-spell something, I come to the part where I will discuss the good and the bad about blogging. Let’s start with the good news.
I always want to encourage you all to paint or to collect or to write because you love to do so. Start there.
I don’t want you to blog because you want exposure, business, money. I want you to write because you need to write. This attitude will come through. I have read some blogs where it just feels like either the person is at a job and has to be writing the post or, even worse, is selling something. Blak! Your readers will be able to tell very quickly whether or not you are enjoying your process.
As I have said, I love the writing part of my job even more than the painting & decorating. There is freedom in putting down your ideas and sending them out into the world. You will feel energized and inspired. You will gain new friends that want to read what you have to say. They may even want to meet you or buy one of your pieces. They may forward you beautiful post to a friend or neighbor.
You will be able to talk about your process and explain what you are working on. This is important for any creative person. Yes, working in your own, quiet studio is lovely, but I think we all have the need to show what we’ve done. You can post pictures of the process and the end result. You will feel accomplished and proud.
Your business will grow and you will gain followers. Your numbers will climb and that can be fun to watch. You may sell more. You may be able to buy more supplies and materials to create more. This will make you feel happier and even more creative! Yahoo!
Like in life there is always a flip side. If you have read Blue Egg for a while you will know that I don’t deal too well with mean people. Helpful pointers are one thing, but when it is delivered with a mean spirit I lose my cool. I know many, many, many, many bloggers that feel the exact same way. We are the ones wearing our heart on our sleeves and we get to reap the beautiful parts, but when we hear something harsh from someone we don’t know it, well, it pisses us off.
The information you are providing is free. When people get free things they should appreciate them. Most people do and you will create meaningful relationships with these readers and followers. Like a bad apple in every bunch there are people out there that want to tear others down. We all know it. Just know that it is coming. Even if you were giving out free apple pie every Friday you will have someone complaining about the crust. It’s not you, it’s them.
The reward that you will feel from talking and writing about what you are working on will be worth anything negative that you come across. At the end of the day this is just little, old you. It is YOU. You and your business. You and your craft. You and your writing. You and your audience. You and your blog. This is a very special time for you and something worth doing for yourself.
Christen, You are amazing. Your blog has inspired me so much. I love your honesty and your advice on starting a business. I have been chipping up furniture, staining and painting for as long as I can remember and so much of your advice is exactly what I am thinking when I start on a new project. There are such mad, negative people, but hopefully that is a very small percentage of people here. For the people like me, following you and absorbing all of your wonderful words and energy, know you are helping push us creative people to new limits. I look forward to all of your posts! Xox
I just love your honesty and your normality of being a human being! Thanks for being such a great example of just how to live normal without any masks! ♥
I love your blog, and if you make spelling mistakes, well I guess that makes you human! Keep up the good work.
I really enjoy your blog! I just happened to find it one day as I was trying to figure out how to use chalk paint. Now, I just like to follow out of pure interest. Don’t pay any mind to what I like to call “negative Nellies.” They’re probably jealous 🙂 By the way…how did you tie your red scarf in the desk photo? So cute…
Another fabulous post! You’re definitely right about those mean-spirited people. If they cannot find something nice to say, then they shouldn’t say anything!
I would love to see an in-depth post about buying and pricing. Maybe some popular pieces
like small dresser, buffet, etc What is a reasonable price to pay and what to charge for the
transformed piece. I’m having a difficult time figuring this out. I want to make a good profit, but also attract a lot of potential customers. Thanks
P.S. Maybe you’ve addressed this before. Sorry in advance if that’s the case.
you “ROCK” that dress. hikchik