This morning I didn’t have to move the cereal bowls from the counter top. I didn’t have to rush to turn off the alarm. I didn’t have to move out of the way on the stairs to let him pass. Kane was not here this morning.
This is a tribute to my dog, Kane.
Like most good dogs, Kane was in every photo, every video. He insisted he was one of my children. He went through every milestone with us and his presence was always felt.
He was with us during the most difficult time of my life when we struggled for three years to get pregnant. He took long walks with me after my treatments and kept me company when I was too sad to leave my house.
His life documents my children’s’ babyhood to kid-hood. It was the most momentous time of my life and he was there for every single minute.
He was there when we finally became pregnant…and I couldn’t move at the end.
He welcome Baby Greta home.
We took our walks with our new baby.
Kane was Greta’s first friend and the first word she said. “Ka, Ka, Ka”
He welcomed every baby home from the hospital.
He drove me bananas when he ate the dinner of the counter that I had made. He woke up babies. He charged the door to every guest. He cleaned up under the highchair. He stood guard at the front door for 12 years.
He also expanded my tolerance for chaos. He broadened my idea of a full, family life.
He let my kids dress him up, lay on him, pull him, ride him. They learned from him how not to be afraid of big animals. They learned that to care for a dog is a great responsibility.
Kane was embedded in the landscape of our home. He was a living, breathing fixture. He was part of the home and the furniture and the walls and the kitchen.
He was impossible. He was happy. He was constant. He was big. He was always there. He never missed an important event in our lives. He had nothing else to do, but to be present to us. To me. He was a sidekick when I didn’t always want a sidekick. He was a protector against squirrels and leaves and that darn mail woman. He was the best vacuum cleaner and at the end of a very long day chasing kids, he was a footrest. Because he was just there. Always there.
Kane, you are family. You will be missed. Godspeed, old friend.
I am so sorry for the loss of your dear Kane! What a beautiful tribute to a best friend!
Take care,
Crying while reading these wonderful words of love from you about Kane. We’ve been discussing getting a dog this summer for the kids and this post is why we can’t hesitate another year. My kids need a dog – a friend, a family member who is loyal, doesn’t discipline, listens to every word, plays, and teaches responsibility for someone other than themselves. Thank you, Christen – I needed this voice of reason about the good and the reality of owning a dog. Love you!
Oh Christen,
I’m sitting here in Jasper, Georgia with tears just streaming. Your tribute to Kane is beautiful. What a gorgeous, proud, protective, loving dog! I’m so very sorry that he’s not here today. The only, and I mean only, unfortunate thing about our animals is that we will more than likely outlive them. Even having to go through losing them, I couldn’t dream of living on this earth and not having animals to take care of. They take care of us, too. I thank God that He gives me His wonderful creatures to love if only for a little while. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
So painful. The day my childhood best friend, my lab Bart died, was the most painful thing I’ve ever gone through. Give yourself time to grieve…it gets easier. Once, when we were visiting my parents house from England, my eldest son kept saying he saw a big brown dog sitting in the chair in the room we were sleeping in. I’m convinced hes still around, and I will see him again 🙂
Love to you today, my friend.
I was crying from the 2nd sentence on! This was a beautiful tribute to your loyal pup, Kane. Our 4 legged family members always imprint in our hearts in a special way! Sending you and your family love and hugs as you mourn the loss of Kane. Thank you for sharing this 🙂
This makes me sad reading it. Kane lived a purposeful life. 🙁 I’m sorry for your family’s loss.
Beautiful dog. Beautiful family. Beautiful tribute.
Oh Christen, I am sooo sad for you and your family. Dogs are such a big part of a family and I truly believe they complete a family. What wonderful moments and milestones you all were able to have with Kane and now they are wonderful memories. I was crying reading this, as we too have a beloved larger dog (golden retriever) and I know there will be a hole in our hearts when he is no longer with us. Hugs and prayers for your family during this difficult time. xo, Debbie
What a lovely lovely tribute to your dog! You guys have been through soo much this year. My heart just breaks that you have more heartache. I loved your tribute also because it instantly gave me more patience with our dog, who ate my lunch off the counter today. I love your openness of your family life on your blog and know that I am touched by it all. Will miss seeing you at preschool!!! Hugs, C
Ah Christen,
This is so sad….reading this made me cry also.
So sorry for your lost, big hug for you and the family <3
I am so very sad and sorry for your loss. You were lucky to have had such a wonderful member of the family. Hugs to all of you.
Christen I am so sorry for your loss. This was a wonderful moving tribute to Kane. I know how much your family loved him. What an amazing dog. Xo maria
I am so sorry for your lost.
What a great tribute to your best friend Kane. I have tears in my eyes.
You have so many beautiful pictures with Kane and so many wonderful memories. He will always be in your heart!
Take care my friend!
Christen . . . I could type something profound if I could stop crying . . . . He was a lucky dog. . .sending you all lots of LOVE
I am so terribly sorry for your loss, the sadness and empty feeling you are all going through. Be proud of the amazing home and all the love Kane received from each and everyone of you. May all the wonderful and funny memories give you all comfort during this heartbreaking time.
Very sorry for your loss. I know the pain oh so well. In Jan I had to have my 29 year old horse put to sleep. I know you loved him very much..
Christen, so sorry for your loss. Beautiful tribute to your dog, made me cry. I understand the loss of a family pet. Just lost my cat of 13 years 6 months ago and I’m still mourning her. She too, went through many life trials and tribulations, good times and not so good times. Again, sorry for your loss, my prayers go out to you and your family.
With tears rolling down my face, my heart goes out to you and your family today. We lost our dog a few yrs ago and nothing anyone can say can make it better. May he always be in your heart and memories.
God bless.
I have a tear falling down my face right now. This has touched me as my heart hurts for you and your family as I know how a dog can be a ‘child’ before your ‘children’. Our dog is in his last years and we speak about ‘the day’ he needs to leave us and it’s so difficult to even imagine. I feel your pain and love your beautiful words for your sweet ‘child’.
What a beautiful tribute. When I lost my wonderful Belgian Shepherd Mandy a dear friend bought me 2 wonderful books to read to help me heal. They made me cry but they also made me smile and helped me cope with my loss: “A Dog’s Purpose” and “A Dog’s Journey” by Bruce Cameron. God speed…..
I am so terribly sorry for your family’s loss. I remember coming to your home for one piece of furniture and leaving having purchased the Shannon desk. You apologized profusly for Kane’s barking. Not to worry, I said. I have a lab also. He will always live on in your heart.
Your tribute was beautiful. My heart grieves with you. Today is the first morning & day that we are also without our loyal, beautiful MERC, who was a Tri-colored Austrian Shepherd. He also was a fixture of our home & lives for 10 wonderful years.He traveled with us & was always by our side. Our hearts ache for him, but the arthritis & aggressive mouth cancer was taking away his quality of life. He is now able to run free. Words cannot describe the pain when the always loving & loyal furbaby of your family passes. I pray for God to bring peace to our hearts & your family’s as well. <3
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story about your beloved pet, friend and family member. I am very sorry for the loss of Kane. Sending you a virtual hug your way. I loved your photos but the one of Kane dressed up by your daughter even wearing a shoe was priceless.
So sorry 🙁 He was an amazing dog and friend and I know you guys gave him a wonderful life.
So sorry for your loss. Dogs and their unconditional love!!
Read THE RAINBOW BRIDGE, brought me some comfort when we lost our Edy! We feel your pain, understand completely, beautiful tribute to your loving family member!
Beautiful post. I’m so sorry. Looks like you have some amazing memories that will live forever in your heart. hugs.
So sorry for your loss. A beautiful tribute to your Kane. We have two labs, Maggie and Izzy, (who is a chocolate like Kane). This past week has been a constant clean up of doggie throw up, because of virus. Thanks for this, it reminds me how much I will miss them.
Christen, I look into your Kane’s eyes and know exactly how you are feeling. I was able to look into Buddy’s eyes until a few months ago. They are one of the best friends we will ever have and their love will never be forgotten. I am so sorry for your loss, but so thankful that you had that big, beautiful guy as long as you did..RIP Kane..Judy
I am so sorry ….your Kane was a beautiful dog and a loyal family member. What a beautiful friend.
The total love received from a dog is God sent…they are truly our guardian angels here on earth. I believe you and yours will be reunited with Kane someday!
What a lovely tribute to his life with you and your family!
With time the pain is less and the memories more dear. So sorry for your family’s loss. Take care.
Thank you for posting such a beautiful memorial to your dear friend Kane. Today was the birthday of my black lab Sasha who I lost in 2008 so I could not stop crying while try to read your post. There is no match to the unconditional love they bring into our lives. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
Crying like a baby while I type this… Such an eloquent, beautifully written post. You can tell by your words how much you love him. Such a lucky fur baby to have such a wonderful, loving family. You are in my prayers.
That was a beautiful story of Kane, and I’m sorry for your families huge loss. You are lucky you will always have memories of the joy and laughter and unconditional love he brought to your lives. We think we are training our dogs, but really we learn more from them than we teach them. Warm regards.
That was a touching tribute to such a loved member of your family. May you continue to experience joy in the memories of your beloved friend. You are always such a welcoming inspiration to those who read your blog and watch your videos. Know that many people are thinking of you at this time, holding you fondly in their thoughts and prayers.
Beautiful. Sniff.
Oh…… Such beautiful and heartfelt words for a beloved member of your family. I am truly sorry for your loss and the pain you are all feeling. Lots of hugs and doggie kisses being sent your way.
Christen, my heart goes to you and your family. What a very difficult loss. They complete us…they protect us…they show us unconditional love. All my prayers and love to you.
I am so very sorry for your loss, I am sitting here crying and I can’t stop 🙁 I too have a fur baby she is almost 15 and there hasn’t been one day since she was a pup that I didn’t think of that dreadful day that inevitably will come, I love her as much as I love my children. I pray every day that we get to see and live with our pets when we go to heaven, I worry about that all the time . I also never want to get another pet when we do loose her as I only want to keep her memories.:( I will be thinking of you at this sad time in your lives and also pray that Kane will be waiting for you xoxo
I am very new to your blog but I am crying like a baby over this post.. I see the love and respect in his eyes. How blessed is your family to have known him… Rest easy Kane 🙂
Beautiful , just so beautiful.
So sorry to you and your family for the loss of your four-legged family member, Kane. What a wonderfully beautiful tribute to him of the privilege of having him in your lives.
I’m so terribly sorry for the loss of your dear Kane. You must understand that within his sweet soul, he always knew you and your family loved him as much as humanly possible. You gave him a joyful life, and the love he returned was immeasurable. I lost my little girl in December–a beautiful 16-year-old Shih Tzu named Sassy. It was heart wrenching, so please know how so many of your viewers understand your grief. I believe all dogs do go to Heaven, and one day we will be reunited with our lost loved ones, including our sweet “furry” children.
I have no words! <3
I am so sorry about Kane. He sounds like he was such a good boy and a joy to have as a pet and companion to your family. My daughter has a chocolate lab, Maggie, and reading your story reminds me of so many of the same traits as Kane. She still goes to bed every night with my 2 grandsons. Now that there are two boys, she lays down outside in the hallway in between their bedroom doors to keep watch over both of them. When there was only one, she would go in each night when my daughter put the baby in his crib and lay on the floor beside the crib to keep watch over him during the night. Their love is unconditional and I am so grateful that Kane had your family as his family. It is evident that he was loved. Take care and remember your old friend with all of your fond memories.
I’m so very sorry, hugs Elaine
I’m here, like many, with tears streaming down my face. In a day when media is bringing to the forefront news of animal abuse and neglect, here you are presenting an opportunity to the world that there is love, compassion, beauty and appreciation for the animals we take into our homes. It’s so incredibly heartbreaking–the loss of a beloved furry family member. But what you’ve shown to those who read is that the heartbreak at the end is… well, as anyone who has a furkid knows…at some point.. the pain of loss is just part of feeling that tremendous love. It hurts. Because it’s love.
Thank you for bringing such a beautiful reminder to an often too-bleak internet. Thank you.. from a rescuer and former vet tech…for sharing such a breathtakingly beautiful story.
I’ve waited until the very last to tell you how sorry I am for your loss, because I’m actually quite happy for you.. that you and Kane had the greatest blessing of each other. I know your heart will heal, because there’s simply just too much love you shared with him for it not to heal you in time. 🙂
Hi……booooohoooooo…..this is so beautiful I am making myself not cry like a baby. I feel so much for you and “get it” when you said your Kane was there with you for so many monumental things in your life……before during and after…..and it hurts to not have that presence in your life…..I so get it!!! God Bless and take good care