My very, very first furniture purchase on Craigslist was these super cute wood cane chairs. We were living in my in-law’s basement and I was on the hunt to fill the house we were building with pretty pieces. I wasn’t sure where I was going to use them, but they were charming & they were cheap. So, I sent Dear Husband out to pick them up after work to some far away place where the owner was slightly odd to say the least.
I brought the chairs into the light of the family room and wasn’t even sure I was going to paint them at that point. Two of my children now use the raw ones as desk chairs and a few weeks ago I sold the last one I had.
When painting cane you want to use the paint sparingly so that it does not clump in the basketweave. If this happens it is very difficult to reverse and may always look too heavy in these places. The best thing to do is several light coats until you reach the level of coverage you are after.
Here is my first coat. I always go light and cover the entire piece.
Here is the after.
I sanded lightly, but enough to give it an aged look.
I hear it’s going to be used as a little desk chair.
Want to learn how to paint cane? I did a little tutorial on it:
Hi Christen,
I am looking for some advice. 4 months ago, I painted out my kitchen table and chairs with ASCP. I used the light wax to finish the table top and chairs. I am happy with the chairs but the table top is wearing very poorly. It has scratches and rings and does not wash well. I also wasn’t happy with the brush strokes that I could see on the table top. (I splurged on an AS paintbrush but the brush was terrible and dropped fibres all the time so I had to abandon it.)
Have you ever experienced this? Any advice?
Hi Andrea….I too purchased an A.S. brush that lost fibers the very first time I used it. Glad to hear I’m not the only one…. Really don’t know what to make of this….curious as to Cristin’s response. Good Luck….Susan
Love the chair, so pretty now!
I just Love you!
I just Love you and everything you do and share! You make my day!
THANKS for that!