Friday VIP day was just so lovely at Luckett’s. If you have not had the pleasure of shopping at it, I will show you my day. Last year they gave out these cute, stripy bags.
I arrive about 9:15, the gates open at 10:00. At this point the line was longer than it was last year on Friday. All beautiful ladies in their sweet summer wares. I loved watching everyone gather with their girlfriends for a day of shopping. (Ok, there were a few men in line as well. Real men love vintage.)
The smarty-pants brought their carts and extra shopping bags to tote items. One thing I’ve learned from shows it that you do not want to carry around huge items and you also don’t want to go back and forth to your car to drop them off….and you also don’t want to leave them with the vendor you bought them from because at the end of the day when you are dirty and tired you will have to go collect said heavy wares and that’s no fun either. I know this because I do it every year. Next year must get shopping cart!
I was excited to see two vendors in particular this year – Miss Mustard Seed (of course) and Old Thyme Marketplace. Since the line was already down the grassy field by MMS, I headed over to OT. Check out her set up. To die for.
It took all my willpower not to go home with this little cupboard. I just don’t have the space for it! MMS killed it this year. It was her best tent/s every and it was hard to not want one of everything. I decided to wait in line because I could pass up some special pieces. I will show you everything I bought in the next post.
Here are some other fabulous items that I saw during my day. You can’t find these things just anywhere.
Great job, Luckett’s! I hope you are all resting after your hard work, but I know the call for hunting is greater than sleep!
Love all! Just die right know! <3
Well helloooo! there! – all the way from Nova Scotia!! :-)) I recently subscribed to your blog and really enjoy your regular news. Not sure if you know much about Nova Scotia but one thing it’s in the freakin’ middle of nowhere!! LOL!! The chances of my seeing anything more glamourous than a pair of muddy wellies parked outside our back door, would be an understatement of the year! LOL!!
Obtaining decent accessories from decent outlets is zero and to find anything worth having is even more challenging however, there is an abundance of vintage, antique, second hand (junk!) to be had EVERYWHERE! Much from the french acadian descendents and other scotian folk. And that is where I get my kicks! Locating, finding, buying and owning such treasures and revamping them into items that, I think, are equal to what can be found at MMS and alike, is just the ticket for me! I’m soooo chuffed! Having your blog helping me to ‘keep-up-with-the-jones’. I then go on treasure hunts here with unique ideas; it’s great!! I’ve achieved minor stuff at this stage but, you know what? … it’s mine and I just LOVE it!!
So, thank you Christen for your snapshots and continual news. I maybe living in a remote place, thousands of miles away but with the help of the ‘tin-ter-net’ and your blog, I’m not alone!!
kind regards from most probably your only far-remote fan!
Jill xx
Jabula Hill Farm, Princedale, NS, Canada
Oh how I wish we had fairs like Lucketts here in South Australia!
Dido – wish I could find a small portion of these items in Colorado !!!