I just finished working with my web designer on my Media Kit! Some of you may be asking what a media kit is. I had no idea until really getting into the blogging & business side of things. It’s basically a sheet that is used to sell ad space on your blog. It gives guideline, stats, rates, etc.
My very talented web designer did a great job putting it all together. You can check it out on my main page in the main menu and see what it’s all about. If you are interested in placing an ad with Blue Egg Brown Nest I am now able to do that. I have 2 different sized ad spaces. They will go on my main page under “Sponsors”. My designer will create you ad for you. You will ride along with me and reach 1.2 Million hits per month. I already have some new friends ready to join me. If interested email me: cbensten@blueeggbrownnest.com
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