A big question that may have come up for you during this series on milk paint is – what is the difference between Chalk Paint and milk paint. Great question! Glad you asked.
The main & HUGE difference between Chalk Paint and any kind of milk paint is that Chalk Paint (a copy-written name by Annie Sloan Chalk Paint) is liquid paint that comes in a can.
Milk paint, including Miss Mustard Seed’s Milk Paint, starts out in powdered form. This is the first major difference. The second big difference is that they act completely different on your wood piece. I have worked many times with both types and they are equally special. It really depends of the type of look you are going for.
As you know I have used ASCP almost exclusively for many years now. The reason I have an allegience to her product is that the vision I want for my home seems to align with her aesthetic. When using Chalk Paint you do not need to prep your piece. You simply open the can, stir and start painting. You can easily do touch-ups without having to re-paint the entire piece. This is rare and makes the product special and easy to use.
Miss Mustard Seed’s product is also tasteful, clean, and inspiring. Yes, there is some prep, but there is also reward in the end. It comes in a bag in powder form. You mix with water and then apply. She makes what is called a “bonding agent”, which basically will help the paint to adhere and not flake off. However, the special quality of milk paint is that it DOES flake. People who use this product will most likely want to acheive a cottage, aged look. Her colors are also fabulous.
Both paints are very exciting and can transform your home and furniture. You will want to experiment when you dive into each product, but that does not mean you should be intimidated.
PS – Tomorrow I’ll talk about the waxes for each line and show you the chicken cabinet that I refinished in MMS Milk Paint.
I was wondering what type of chicken wire you are using for your cabinet and where did you buy it? I would like to replace the glass in an armoire with chicken wire but it doesn’t seem to be sturdy.