Let me start off by saying that if I were to take a class offered by MMS I am not sure I would get an A. I have a tendency to throw out directions and just play. So, when I was finally ready to experiment with her beautifully-marketed product/s that is just what I did. (I don’t think she’d mind :))
(Image via Pinterest via MMS)
Miss Mustard Seed was kind enough to send me some of her MMS paints, waxes & other goodies, gulp, about a year ago. I have truly been too busy to experiment. I have also been waiting for the perfect piece to try it out on. My mover brought me a great little, antique cupboard a few months ago. I knew I wanted to try something new, different and very rustic on this sweet piece. I think sometimes older pieces crave an older look.
Cute, right?
I painted the piece Annie Sloan Old White. Then I painted over it with Duck Egg. Then I painted over that with Graphite. Hmmmm.
Nothing was really making sense visually to me. Then I remembered my MMS Milk Paint/s. I went on her site and watched all her tutorials – okay, most of the tutorials. I dove in with Ironstone on my little piece.
Just as MMS will tell you on her site, milk paint is a different beast all together. It was actually the very first furniture paint that I experimented on many moons ago when I started out. Here are the kitchen chairs that I milk painted.
The paint has rubbed and worn in areas, but this just enhances the shabby look. I still love them. It took me a ton of experimenting and 2 weeks to land on a look that I liked with my milk paint.
In my experience, milk paint takes on a life of it’s own. It’s going to perform on your wood and texture the way it wants to. Sometimes I don’t want this variable and sometime I am game. If you are willing to lend yourself to the process then you will reap amazingly cool results. Here’s a hint of what happened with my little piece.
If you love shabby you are drooling from looking at those chippy areas.
Tomorrow I’m going to talk more about my experience with MMS’s Milk Paint and using it. In the meantime, here is a really helpful cheat sheet on her site. About Milk Paint.
(Image via Pinterest via MMS)
Miss Mustard Seed has also kindly offered to answer our questions about her paint so please post any you may have. I know I have several!
Your piece turned out beautiful! I painted my first MMS piece last night with Apron Strings.I was determined to step out of my comfort zone of neutrals…..
A completely different product and outcome. I love the texture and am looking forward to my next project …. and trying another new color.
Thanks for sharing!
I’ve have been using the ASCP for sometime now. Two weeks ago, I ventured and tried MMS’s Grain Sack on a solid oak coffee table. I look the chippy rustic look of the piece. I still need to stain the top of the piece to finish it up. I don’t like the feel of the paint on my hands. It feels weird, but the paint is fun to work with.
I look forward to seeing your piece and the large china cabinet rework with the chicken wire.
I meant that “I like the chippy rustic look of the piece”. LOL
I admire your taste!!!! What color would you paint a young mans bed?
Just in time. I just bought my first mms paint this weekend, but haven’t tried it yet. Now that the kids are back in school I am hoping to have more time 🙂 to experiment.