Last weekend was the Lucketts Holiday Open House in their Design House. It was so beautifully decorated for the holidays and so warm and cozy! They did an amazing job. I have to admit that I’ve never bought anything from the Design House because I prefer rummaging around in the dirty shutters & things in the barn section and finding things that no one would dream of taking home! BUT, I saw these sweet little white monkeys (had no idea where I was going to put them), but had to have them!
Maybe sweet is not the right adjective. Somber? Zen? Something about the glazed over their eyes…Asleep? I found the cute little gold nests at the Design House. Makes it look like the monkeys are protecting something precious, huh?
Of course I had to find my way over to the barn to sift. And these are what I found…
I think the color is pretty cool, but I know where to go if I change my mind….my garage! They also happen to match a tray from Wisteria that I have on my coffee table.
I know, they look pretty small over there in the corner. Hmmm. Brent said he could make them into a screen. Still trying to think. Think, think.
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