is twisted and sore and just got worse as I moved the desk in my garage. Back to the chiropractor. If you are under 5 ft around xxx lbs (a lady never tells her weight, right?) don’t move an entire living room set out of pure impatience. But, hey, I got the room set up and that’s what’s really important.
My neighbor, whom actually bought the first of many Bensten Homes to be built offered me the new rug she purchased in her living room because she realized she hated it. It was a Ballard purchase – a nubby natural woven rug. It’s beautiful, but weighs about 5,000 lbs.
The room can now sit quietly with no traffic, but the 100lb chocolate lab that enjoys curling up on the white couch for a long winter’s nap. Juxtaposed is the bedroom where the heat pad & Icy Hot clutter up the bedroom.
Love the classy accent chairs…where did you get them? I’ve been looking for new chairs for our living room.
Although a foot taller I am infamous for rearranging the whole house. My poor husband always says it is not safe to sit down in the dark because the furniture may not be there! DO let me know if you need the number of my massage therapist OR my chiropractor!