Is a Wooster!
You may be surprised to find out that the brush I use the most and love is not a refinishing brush or an Annie Sloan oval brush. It is a normal paintbrush found at the hardware store. The brand is Wooster.
I have used a Wooster brush for over two years now. Why do I like it best?
1. It allows me to apply paint smoothly.
2. It is slender and allows me to have more control.
3. The nylon brushes do not shed.
4. The plastic handles does not break like a wood one.
5. I love the short handle & grip on the Shortcut brush
I have found that my natural, oval brushes are really difficult to use. I am not able to control the application as I would like to because these brushes are shorter and thick. In fact, I find that I have to really work my oval brush to use it the way I want to. Even the smaller ovals are very difficult to use in smaller spaces and pressing a brush into these areas creates clumps and inconsistencies. I also find that natural bristles, although beautiful, tend to shed. My wood handles also shake loose from the base and become unusable.
Wooster makes several brushes that I love. My new favorite is the Shortcut.
Check out that little, rubber handle. This handle makes it easy to control your application. They also make several other great brushes that my new friends at Wooster mailed me.
The black bristled brush would be great for those of you that stencil on fabric.
The brushes above have synthetic bristles and although I have no tried them on wax yes, they may be softer than what you are using now.
Thanks for the help, Wooster! Woot.
Yes!! When I started reading your blog and watching your tutorials;I stressed about trying to afford all the AS brushes. (Still don’t have one..) I used these same brushes and an old tshirt for wax. Love your work. Love your style!
these are the same ones I use ( the shortcut one) I love them!!
thank you for posting this. My paint brush seems so heavy at times. I’m going to check these out. – Alie
Hi Christen,
I love your work and I am a big fan!
I am planning on painting a piece of light blonde furniture either gray or cream using Annie Sloan paints. I am looking for a shabby look. would you recommend using dark wax for a shabby look since sanding won’t work?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Mona Pendleton
I also love the small flexible handled brush. In addition, I bought the kind pictured last, hoping to use for wax, and I didn’t think it worked well at all with wax.
do you use the. China bristle with chalk paint
There is nothing like a good quality brush!! Both my Dad and grandmother were painters and always invested in good brushes. I still have a few of their Wooster brushes, one is a cut brush and it’s still the best I’ve ever used!
Wooster brushes are my favorite. That little shortcut brush is great for tight spaces. My favorite is called the Willow. Nothing like a good brush for a good paint finish!
I love the Wooster shortcut. It is a perfect size for my hands. I am in the process of painting all the trim and moulding in my house and this brush ( I’ve gone through quite a few) has not let me down. No wrist cramps ! Now, I have not seen the others…. Will look into 🙂
Thanks so much for writing about your favorite brush. I thought maybe it was just me that had a hard time with the oval brushes. The natural bristle chip brushes leave brush strokes that I do not like, plus they shed. My old favorite brushes are wearing out, so I’m thinking it is time to get some new ones–maybe I’ll check into the Wooster brand and hopefully find some that will work for me. Thanks again for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing … I’m always on the lookout for the perfect paint brush (up there with the perfect handbag, and the perfect pair of jeans!). I’m in Australia … will try and hunt them down here.
I discovered the short handle brush last summer and it’s my favorite. So much easier to use.
the shortcut brush is a God send for women :)) like it’s made for our hand sizes to control better. I have painted all my cut in work, trim and all the furniture I’ve painted using this brush .. that vintage Wooster brush looks interesting to try. I may have to look for that one next 😉 that brush, and 600 grit sandpaper for smoothing out the paint finish, have made my work look and feel so much better! (though sometimes a piece I am painting wants less of a smooth finish, so I don’t always use that sandpaper 🙂 ) so glad to see you’ve been using the same thing!!
Omg I too did the same thing!! The oval brush bristles are, to be quite frank, crap! The Wooster shortcut is my absolute favorite brush and my go to brush for pretty much everything. Smooth finish usually in one coat!