I found these caneback chairs and knew I wanted them all to myself!
I picked a fabric that would match my family room and a paint color that would blend perfectly.
They liked them too, but quickly learned that mommy would use that screaming-voice if sippies were brought onto them.
The luxury I have with dealing with alot of furniture is when I’m ready to see something else in that space I send it out to one of you Lovelies and get to hunt for the next piece.
Without trying to sound as though I’m gushing – they are a great size as the occasional chair in a family room, the fabric is fancy enough next to a buffet in a dining room and cozy enough for a bedroom.
The Christen Caneback Chairs…$400 each
They’re beautiful! It would be hard for me too to part with those if I had them. They look fabulous! Awesome job Christen! Blessings, Vanessa
Love the fabric!
I have a pair of these in my garage, been pondering their evolution for 2 years. Now I know what to do. Thanks for the inspiration!