So, when I only posted half of the questions last week I may have accidentally deleted the rest. If you do not see your question here please resend for an answer!
I’m currently working on a project that was originally red, and I’m painting it duck egg blue. I did not want any of the original color to show through. Is it best to do an extra coat of paint and sand very lightly with a fine paper in that case?
This is a common issue that you will find with pieces that are already painted a certain color. When distressing these pieces after you paint them if you sand that original color will always come through. I have done pieces for clients that want a white or a light color and it becomes a problem if the piece was a bright color. You have a choice at this point a) Do not sand at all, but rather use your dark wax to achieve the aged look on the edges b) sand and let that original color some through for an eclectic look c) completely strip & sand your piece down to the natural wood and repaint.
How do you avoid brush strokes in a piece that you want to get a smooth finish on? I first used a brush and sanded, but that gave me the undesirable distressing. I then went back and used a roller for the paint and sanded lightly. Is there a better way?
I have never used a roller because that leaves funny marks and you cannot have real control. I would not recommend it. If you want a smooth finish use a good quality brush like an Annie Sloan brush. Yes, you can sand after the paint dries, but it will be a rubbed down and/or scratched look. I like this for most pieces.
Have you ever stencilled along with chalk paint?
No, I haven’t because that is just not my style. I have seen painters that have, however.
The question I have is do you put anything on the inside of the drawers?
No, I don’t. I buy and sell pieces that are in good condition and if that is the case the drawers are ok.
Have you ever used hemp oil instead of wax on furniture?
Yes, I have when I first started out with milk paint. You don’t need it if you are using the ASCP products.
Can you layer several colors of the chalk paint and then distress it down to the bottom color instead of the wood?
If you sand your piece enough to rub off paint you will typically get the original wood and then a bit of whatever color was underneath if there was one.
Sometimes Fiona needs an activity!
Hi. Do you have a maximum price in your head that you won’t go over when buying pieces to refinish? Do you ever have to pass on beautiful pieces because they are priced too high for you to resell? Or if it’s beautiful, do you buy it even with a high price tag? Of course I know it depends on the area in which you live, but I just was wondering your experience. Thanks!
Even with a good quality, clean paintbrush I feel like the brush gets piecy as the job moves along. Anyway to avoid this? Also, how do you clean your wax brushes?
I love these straight answers. So helpful!