The last few years I have taken a cue from my Dear Therapist (DT) and taken some time off. When DT does it, there is no explanation or apology. It is what it is. It is like saying I need to breathe or I need to eat my lunch or I need to go to bed now. Sounds simple, right? Well, not for me. Never for me. I am like a child learning when it comes to speaking my truth and needs and because of that sometimes I need to be loud about it because it can be pretty scary when you are not good at it.
Sometimes I feel like I need to get permission from someone to rest. Like it’s a luxury and one that I do not deserve. Hmmm. Some part of me knows that’s not true. I look around and see others doing it, why would it not be okay for me? I take timid steps and try and get questioned & pushed. Some old memory wants to make me small and overcome me. I push and push and push back. I fight for a better, healthier life. I fight, fight, fight and work, work, work to feel better. It is work. I notice that there are some Others around me that feel okay standing still and getting pushed. Then there are some Others that are the pushers. And more Others that know how to stay in their own skin. I want to be one of these. I want to stand where I put myself. Where God wants me to stand still and strong. I’m tired of being pushed.
All that to say I am taking a little summer break. I will be back and I may be back here and there because I love my work and I love you, Dear Readers. You let me be me and there is such freedom in that. Thank you.
I know some of you are also working hard at not being pushed. You are doing amazing work. It is hard, but we will feel better every time we can place a boundary and say “Here I am.” and “I like this just because.” and “No, I don’t want to go.” We exercise this muscle and we push back by just being Us. It’s You and Me being bigger and a bit louder.
Wishing you peace and rest this summer. With loads of love, Me.
Boundaries=Balance! Enjoy your stillness!!!
I’m always amazed at how much better I feel when I say I need a break and then actually take one. Enjoy your time off! God Bless!!
Rest, relax and as my grandson says CHILLAX!!!
Hi Christen, it’s winter over here in Australia and I am enjoying it by being indoors painting with chalk paint. I can’t wait for summer then I will be outdoors painting too. Enjoy your break and thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Cheers, Julie
Thank you. I enjoy reading your blog so much. I’ll miss you but totally understand the need for a break. I should do that more. Enjoy some quality down time.
You are such an inspiration to all of us readers. As much as we enjoy you’re work and inspiring truths, you’re family and most of all “YOU” need you to be filled, rested and whole. Although we will miss you, you do what’s best for “you”. Enjoy you time away!
Good for you! It is very important to make time for yourself. As women, we tend to give to everyone and leave little time for ourselves. I know that all too well.
Enjoy your time off!
I just returned home from the most relaxing vacation that was so badly needed. It is good for the soul to recharge and rest. Just be. And enjoy.
Christen, I am new to creating furniture and learning to find my voice creatively. However, I began the amazing journey of finding myself, my boundaries, as well as learning how to live an honest, intimate, and compassionate life connected to spirit, 24 years ago. I have learned to trust this process of healing completely, and now I’m turning the healing of the creative part of myself over to the care of a God as I understand him too, to bring healing and growth to this aspect as well. What I can share with you is that all that is necessary is a desire to change and an ability to be humbly teachable; from there, God can do the rest.
From one student of life to another, Namaste.
Yes. Allow for timelessness. Rest in awareness and drop the thoughts. Raising a family, cultivating a business, the creative impulse – all wonderful. But, still we must accept the invitation to be still . . . just be. Our bodies, our spirits our hearts love stillness and spaciousness. The daily responsibilities will still appear and disappear, but the onslaught of distractions will diminish. If you can, be in nature, even if that’s just your yard. Stargaze in the evenings. Take bubble baths. Drink lots of pure water. Eat organic. Stretch. Personal care. Stillness. I go on silent retreats 3 times per year….in my ordinary life at home, which I cherish.
You know, your archives are timeless!!!! We can skip back to any one of your posts and be delighted, blessed, encouraged, and educated. A treasure house here. My husband and I learned so much about chalk painting! Very creative energy, here. You could have a show on HGTV!!!
Enjoy the stillness. The dispensation of Grace.
Cuddle up and enjoy your nest! To all things there is a season. Ecclesiastes 3. Now get some rest 🙂
Christen, you are brilliant!! To be so young and know to listen to your inner voice!! I wish I had listened to that voice inside me before my body made the decision for me. I am thankful the physical nudge I got was only a gentle reminder that I am human and we all need to do what you are doing, take time for rest and rejuvenation. What a great model you are for your children!
I will miss your enthusiasm and will be thinking of you and your quest to speak your truth!! If you still need permission, I give to you wholeheartedly!!