Hi Friends! I hope everyone is safe & sound after Hurricane Sandy. We are still without power and kids were pretty spooked last night as we all cuddled in our bed. But dear, dear husband has the coffee maker, fridge & precious Little Bear on thanks to our small generator.
We flipped all outdoor seating.
Secured the carved pumpkins.
Got out the electric candles & large flashlights.
Lit the fire and got out the blankets. Oh, look! The oak tree made it through the winds.
We made sure the coffee pot got priority power from the generator!
Art time by candlelight. And of course, some chalk painting 🙂
Terribly sorry for the blurry photos – it’s dark in here and my camera is trying its best!
PS – all Blue Egg Brown Nest Tutorials are on YouTube! Click here to see the final one on dark wax:
Hope they’ve been helpful.
I was wondering if you buff your pieces after waxing? Have enjoyed the tutorials. Thanks!