YES! Well, technically no, but YES! Especially if you are shopping for furniture or bigger pieces OR you just like to shop! You will not be disappointed by the 200 vendors and will finds lots of treasure.
I found a picture of the line Saturday morning from last year.
I had people buy pieces from me, go home, rent a truck and come back the next day. This happens. And if I did not have my own UHaul that I was driving out there I would need one too!
So, if you can’t get a truck try to bring your SUV with the seats down and if you can’t do that, then bring rope to strap things to the roof of your sedan. I’m not kidding!
This is an idea of what you will see if you have not been.
Here’s what I ended up bringing home last year.
From The Luckett’s Blog: What do I do if I can’t take my purchase with me or my car is too small?
Items purchased at the Lucketts Spring Market must be picked up by Sunday, May 19th at 5pm. Items sold by fair vendors can’t be left at the Lucketts Store past Sunday – we just don’t have the capacity to store 170+ vendors-worth of purchases.
You really don’t need a truck, but if you know you are looking for bigger pieces then think about it 🙂
See you there! Blue Egg Brown Nest will be in the Field of Gold. Doesn’t that sound lovely? It is!
May 18, 19 10-5
Admission $7 (children under 12 free)
Chelsea says
Some friends and I are borrowing our big ol’ church van with the seats out! Woohoo! Can’t wait!!
Theresa says
I love the chair you scored last year!! I was really looking forward to going this year, but as its 3+ hours from my house, and my hubby’s birthday, I couldnt talk him into it. sigh. oh well, maybe next year. Good Luck Christen! and as always, thank you for this blog and your generosity in sharing techniques and tips
Kathy Riddle says
There are only two rules I have followed, successfully, for over 45 years of antique hunting:
1. If you see it, and you like it, buy it NOW.
2. Rule #1, PLUS, have no way to get it home? Buy it anyway!
I’ve always figured out a plan. That’s part of the fun in the hunt!
Miss Kitty says
Lucketts is so far way from me that I will probably never get to go so thanks for sharing those fun pictures of the sale.
Linda says
Wow!! That’s some haul. Love the chair!! I think you need a large truck!! I know I would.