There’s nothing I love more than a good documentary. And one with a great host is even better. Have you all seen the new foodie documentary with Stanley Tucci as he eats his way through Italy?
It is so well done. Beautiful sites, foods and interesting information. My family is from Naples, which is where the first episode is filmed and it is so fascinating. I watched it twice!
Masaniello is my maiden name and my grandfather came over on the boat. I love learning about my legacy.
The show is on Sundays at 9:00pm on CNN. I DVR it in case I’m asleep! Warning – you may want pasta after watching 🙂

I wish that I had known about it, as I would’ve loved to have seen it from the beginning. I am looking forward to watching it this Sunday! I did read that
he will be doing a second season of this show.
you can watch from on demand! it’s so good