“How can we free ourselves from fear & anxiety & sadness without intentionally cracking ourselves open and letting the light in?” – Christen
As you know I have a new blog out and it has nothing and yet everything to do with painting furniture. The Safe Nest. It is meant to be a safe place for us all to share what we already share on Blue Egg Brown Nest. I wish I could count the hundreds and hundreds of emails I’ve received over the past six years from my readers about their revival back to life through paint. I have read stories about mothers losing their children, horrible accidents, disabilities, hardships, you name it. And we all came together to talk about the abounding peace that comes from painting and being creative.
How healing.
I want more. I want to hear more and share more and write more about all these things that connect us. I’m not talking about making ourselves blue and down, I’m talking about opening up so we can turn our face towards the sun and be warmed by fellowship and commonality. “In this life there will be many hardships, but take heart, for I have over come the world.” It is not secret that emotions and relationships are difficult to navigate, that accidents happen and events come out of the blue to trip us or knock us down. How can we help ourselves feel better after we have a good cry?
It is free. It is anonymous. It is safe.
You write your woe. Readers reply. There is no pain too small or too great.
I had know idea you were a believer! I find myself so many times painting and it’s my best time with The Lord. Through this storm of moving into another state and feeling so alone I started chalk painting, and through your tutorials I’ve learned so much. God has truly met me during this hard dark time in my life, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord, “plans to not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Thanks to you I’ve been inspired and grew in confidence, and most of all praise God that He loves us, not because we are good, it’s because He is good!