The Shannon Sideboard has been a rather popular item.
So popular in fact, I came across a bit of a dilemma when 3 separate people wanted to purchase her this week. I’m a bit of a reformed (or trying very hard to be a reformed) people-pleaser. I needed a bit of business advice from my DH so I could do the right thing by everyone and this blue egg as well. The deal is I am not able to hold a piece as it puts me in an awkward position. So, for now (until reaching Rachel Ashwell status), it has to be first pay, first take home. Akkk! I cringe at sounding rude.
After getting over that hump, The Shannon Sideboard was delivered by Donald-the-Mover to a repeat client & super sweet gal, Jennifer!
I finally painted those bity shutters and yes, they were a pain. But, a lovely pain with Provence.
I have 2 more of Shannon’s pieces left. One is a dresser that I’m doing a Union Jack on and the other is a huge 3-paneled mirror. Can’t wait to show you!
Blue Egg Brown Nest will be showing at The Luckett’s Spring Market, May 19th & 20th from 10:00 – 5:00.
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