Hi Friends! I missed you!
So, you know how sometimes you get a bee in your bonnet and you can’t stop thinking about a project until it’s realized? Well, this happens to me All. The. Time. I get very excited & motivated. I love the hunt, the process and the final product. It’s what keeps me motivated and moving forward in a phase of my life when sometimes I feel like just Mommy.
I recently decided that I needed to work with chicken wire. Chicken wire in a cabinet. The problem is that I didn’t have a cabinet with glass that I could knock out and install chicken wire. Not to mention that I have no idea where to buy chicken wire or install it. DH is sure to help me with this little detail.
This is what I was looking for:
Basically The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe meets Chicken Wire.
I’ve gotten really good at online shopping, very good at estate sale shopping and apparently not so good at Ebay shopping. I’ve browsed, but I don’t think I’ve ever really purchased anything noteworthy. I started looking around for said piece. I knew I wanted an top top with doors for my chicken wire and more of a cabinet on the bottom for some needed storage. I looked and looked and compared prices. The average price for something like what I was after was between $2,300 – $7,000! eeek! I’ve worked with furniture too long to spend that on retail. I knew I could find a piece someplace else. Maybe Ebay.
The first day out of the Ebay gate I found a piece that looked perfect! It was $799 AND it had a little sign inside a blue button that read “Buy Now.”
(Note to self, in future beware of “Buy Now” button.)
Yeah! I could buy it now and beat out all the other bidders! But, first I had to ask the seller a question. Ebay does not make this easy. Finally I found a little button that let me as seller a question after I made the offer to buy it. Oops. Apparently in the Ebay world this means that I bought the piece. Did not know that. I asked the seller if he could work with me on shipping and then I would buy the piece once that was all figured out. This was the piece.
Lovely, yes? Perfect for some paint & chicken wire. DH later explained to me how “Buy Now” worked and I that I was now committed. That was kinda okay because it turned out to be comparable to all the other pieces I was looking at, but with a smaller price tag. I would be able to paint it or sand it or experiment with other colors. Lots of options.
Of course the next phase would be how to get it to my house. This proved to be rather difficult and stressful. To be continued….
Interested in buying formed bird pictures .
Hi Christen.
Welcome back! Such a stunning piece. Can’t wait to see what you do with it. Hopefully you keep for yourself!!
Glad you’re back – hope your break was relaxing. CANNOT wait to see what you do with this piece – I’m sure it will be spectacular!
So glad to see you are back!. I look so forward to your posts. I completely understand the hunt and the vision to do a project. I am longing to do something with tin squares. Good luck with yours.
I’m soooo glad you’re back!!! Love the piece and can’t wait to see how you transform it!!
Welcome back-we missed you! I can’t wait to see what you do with this!
you were missed! Elaine
So glad you’re back. Missed you! Beautiful piece of furniture. Good luck.