Linear feet?! Oh man. I was an English Major. Apparently, this is how chicken wire is measured. DH says I need 4 linear feet. Ok. Chicken wire comes in all shapes and sizes. Who knew? Have you seen some of the ways people are using chicken wire?
And my personal favorite,
I may need to keep a few rolls in our craft closet! Oh! I may need a craft closet! Think. Think.
After much internet research I think I need small solid brass wire mesh for my cabinet. Something like this.
I will probably end up painting it once I settle on a color. DH says we will need to trim out the cabinet before we install it. I’m still waiting on the wire to come in, but when it does I’ll show you the process!
PS – If you’ve been with me for a few years you know that I’m dying for a chicken coop. DH claims that homes in our area are not allowed to have them. Hmm. I have yet to investigate this matter with the county. Maybe my need for chicken wire is due to my need for chickens.
PPS – I decided to repaint it this weekend. Thanks for the feeback 🙂
Chickens are enticing especially for their fun personalities and delicious, fresh eggs. However, our daughter also lives in Arlington, and told me her opposition to backyard chicken coops in town is a law currently on the books which stipulates that if a dog should kill a chicken, the dog would need to be put down! Our daughter and her husband have the sweetest/dearest Rhodesian Ridgeback/Lab, however dogs are dogs, and at any point could go after a hen or bossy rooster!
Alas! Perhaps chalk-painted chicken wire could avert a potential feather-flying tragedy!
Hi Christen, I love MMS milk paint & the chippy look you can create. I’ve just started experimenting with it after using Annie Sloan chalk paint for the past few years & I’m finding I prefer the look of chippy milk paint 🙂
Hi I am interested in your chicken wire