Hurray! I have to give a shout out to one of my first and most faithful readers – Uncle Lance! This piece was named for him:
It seems that most people want/need a coffee table and side tables. They seem to be easy fixes to spruce up a sitting area and because of this they are not easy to find.
I received quite a few inquiries on this piece until a sweet couple expecting their first baby stopped by to see him. It was the perfect fit!
The Jubal coffee table (named for my other BIL) is in the Paris Grey as well, but has straighter lines.
Just finishing up my 3rd cup this morning. Needless to say, it’s grown a bit cold after the morning’s chores.
Blue Egg Brown Nest will be showing at The Luckett’s Spring Market, May 19th & 20th from 10:00 – 5:00.
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