Thank you so much to all those that came by to view my furniture & talk about your pieces to refurnish. It was wonderful meeting you and I know some of you came as far as PA to see me!
This is a peak. I may not be Lucketts, but I’m sure trying 🙂
I’m probably going to tweak my open houses based on what it took to get ready for today. I’ve been so busy trying to get ready that I neglected to ensure that Fiona didn’t have scissors in her room at nap time. She came out 2 hours later with a mullet.
Needless to say, Mommy had to even that out and it’s quite a bit shorter.
I will continue to hold open houses, but only one Sunday a month. Keep an eye on my blog for dates that I will post.
If you are interested in having me refinish your pieces, send me a photo and I will get back to you with an estimate based on labor & materials.
Thank you for coming to see me. It was a pleasure.
FYI – If you are interested in any of the pieces in the photos above, please check out the “Shop” section at for availability.
Can you tell me more about the horse? is it still available? thanks!!!
Beautiful pieces. I have done dresser which came out horrid. I meant to ask you if you wouldnt mind answering: what do you apply on the top so that water etc wouldnt stain it? Can’t remember what paint I used but everything leaves a stain I cant get off.
Do you also paint the handles/knobs?
I read somewhere that you were thinking of doing your fireplace. Please share.
Looking forward to coming to the next open house. And, I still have my eye out for a large dining room table. Will need your help refinishing! Enjoy looking at your blog!
More pics, More pics..You did an awesome job! Wish I was closer..our tastes are very similar..Great JOB Momma!!
You hold a store in your house?? Wow, amazing. Great paint jobs, big jobs…good luck.