‘Tis the time for some vintage markets! Blue Egg Brown Nest will be participating at the Luckett’s Spring Market May 18th & 19th 10-5. I decided to secure 2 tents this time year.
Last year was the first year I participated and it was so much fun! Yes, a ton of work, but I met so many wonderful women doing what I’m doing. I felt really encouraged and excited by the whole event. Of course, it was also fun setting up early to get a head start buying other vendors amazing finds. Shhhh.
Blue Egg Brown Nest will be in The Field of Gold again. Come see me and say hi. I’m busy collection vintage finds and painting like a mad woman!
Ollie is helping me model a few vintage globe bookends.
The second fun announcement is that I will be selling at Market Days at Chartreuse in the Fall. The dates are Sept 7-9. Virginia has such an amazing business and her barn and grounds are so full of wonderful people & goodies. I’m really looking forward to being a part.
The gals of Chartreuse were my neighbors at last years Luckett’s Market and I am still in love with the old map I bought from BB Home.
I can’t wait to meet more of you this year. Thank you always for your love & support!
Jess says
Yeah for you! Bet it’ll be a great time! I’ve always wanted to visit!
x jess
Susan says
Hope to meet you there this year! I did the show last year for the first time as well and am totally looking forward to it again this year.. It’s a lot of work but so worth it.. I also love looking around before it officially opens as well 😉