Thank GOD! Relieved to see that I’m adding to the stash of furniture for Saturday’s show at Stifel & Capra. Here’s what I have completed. Much more in the garage to be finished by Friday….or very early Sat morning!
need more nests! nests. nests. nests.
I think the lamp turned out really well. I’d like to do more of these. Need to get a halo for the shade.
I also picked up 2 beds on the way to drop off this morning. I tried for 20 minutes to get them in the Volvo with Fiona screaming at me that I was going to crush her. Don’t worry, she’s fine. Finally I knocked on the door of the person that had them out by the curb and he & his broken arm helped me hide them from the other “pickers” in the neighborhood. What is wrong with me? Oh, they are super charming beds though & soon & will have a whole bedroom set! Going to try out the Country Grey on these.
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