I wrote my memoir during COVID last year and I’m really proud of it. If you have read & written a 5-star review of Starving, I love you for it. Thank you.
If not, you haven’t picked it up yet, you can find it here on Amazon.
If you think it’s a heavy read and feel a little thwarted about diving in, I get it. Maybe do a little skim. Or maybe take a chance and read what looks heavy and uncomfortable in the hopes that it could actually change you own life.
What would it take to move out of a toxic relationship?
What would it look like to get help? Therapist? Medication?
What kind of people are you letting into your life? Are they kind? Supportive? Do they make you feel good about yourself?
How would you like to show up in your life?
What is the next right decision?
What if we all took a little baby step towards the next right thing?
When my teens came out of COVID and merged into their schools and lives, it was rocky. It still is. But, we are paying attention. We are allowing hard feelings and we are processing them – not burying them.
Maybe you need to hear this today. If you do, know that I am here and would love to chat.
What do I ask my teens when they are overwhelmed and everything feels like too much? Well, we talk alot about breathing and grounding and getting back into our body. I also ask a silly question…
How do you eat an elephant?
One bite at a time. Big changes come one small step at a time. Do not ask yourself to be a changed person after one day. Try again today and then again tomorrow and then again the next day. Shift one bite at a time.
You were meant for greater things.
You deserve to not be sad every day.
Friend, how are you feeling this morning?
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